How to Create a Facebook Quiz and Boost Your Lead Gen with Ads

At one point or another, I bet you’ve all seen those seemingly silly quiz results being shared on your Facebook feed, telling you which Stranger Things character you are or what brand of car you should get. Believe it or not, those aren’t (always) there just for fun.

Truth be told, online quizzes go way beyond banal assessments and great social sharing material. The thing is – quizzes and Facebook go together extremely well. So well that, according to Buzzsumo, 84% of all social media shares of quizzes happen on Facebook.

That being said, if you create a Facebook quiz today, you’re one step closer to utilizing Facebook’s full potential for lead generation and audience segmentation.

But first, why should you care about what I have to say?

Our quiz maker, LeadQuizzes has helped marketers capture 4.7 million leads and collect 73.9 million data points to learn about their audience through quizzes.

We think that provides us a uniquely qualified lens to educate you on Facebook quizzes and how you can use them to capture relevant data and leverage that information to grow your businesses.

Create a Facebook Quiz with LeadQuizzes!

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Create a Facebook Quiz with LeadQuizzes!

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How to Create a Quiz and Advertise It on Facebook

There are many potential starting points to creating Facebook quizzes. Here, we will assume that you’ve already done your market research and know who your target audience is. Create a Facebook quiz in these 7 simple steps.

1. Come up with a compelling quiz title

If you’re looking for inspiration – check out these 61 title ideas for 8 types of quizzes.

2. Write engaging quiz questions and answers

You can’t make a good cake with poor ingredients. Just like you can’t create a Facebook quiz without engaging questions and answer options.

quiz questions

Looking to create a personality quiz? Try asking some of these personality questions.

Want to engage your audience with a fun and informative trivia quiz? Here’s how to write amazing quiz questions (+ 70 trivia questions to steal).

3. Add a lead capture form to your online quiz

Can’t capture leads without a nice-looking lead form, right? Add only the necessary fields (such as name and email) to avoid overwhelming your quiz takers. Our best practice has shown that it might be a good idea to ask for this info only after they have completed the quiz, but before showing the quiz result.

4. Serve the quiz takers with share-worthy results

An eye-catching and thought-provoking title is what gets your quiz clicked. Interesting questions keep the takers around till the very end. But funny and appealing quiz result is what gets it shared and liked.

How to Create a Facebook Quiz and Boost Your Lead Gen with Ads

5. Connect each quiz result to a compelling offer

In addition to bringing you social shares, quiz results are the best opportunity to pitch your offer.

Facebook quiz result6. Set up the Facebook pixel

It must’ve happened to you at some point – you visit a page and suddenly the ads start popping up all over Facebook. This “stalking” effect is accomplished using the Facebook Pixel.

With LeadQuizzes, you can easily integrate the pixel with your quiz to create custom Facebook audiences based on the answers your quiz takers gave. This enables you to spend money on the right audience.

Tip: Make sure to install your Facebook pixel before running any advertising so you can track the performance of your Facebook ads and campaigns. To do so, just follow these simple step-by-step instructions on how to install the Facebook tracking pixel.

7. Advertise the quiz on your Facebook page

There’s no point creating the best quiz out there if no one’s going to take it, right? So, once you’ve gone through the previous 6 steps to create a Facebook quiz, you need to promote it. And there’s no better place to do it than Facebook.

Simply use a unique URL in your Facebook ad or embed your quiz on a landing page.

Now that you know how to create Facebook quizzes, let’s explore the 5 ways marketers are currently using quizzes to boost brand awareness and lead generation.

5 Ways to Incorporate Facebook Quizzes into Your Marketing

Quizzes can be used very creatively to learn more about Facebook users. Here’s how you can use them ethically if you have a business.

1. Generate Advertising Impressions

The first and probably the most common use of quizzes is to generate impressions and visitors to earn advertising revenue. Let’s take a look at Buzzfeed, as they’re a great example of a company using quizzes effectively for this purpose.

In 2018, they generated over $300 million in revenue from 200 million monthly unique visitors. Largely, their revenue comes from selling advertising to businesses that want to get in front of Buzzfeed’s audience.

So with that model, it is Buzzfeed’s goal to get as many visitors as possible to their site and to get those visitors engaged and visiting as many different pages as possible. To do that, they need to create highly engaging and interesting interactive content.

As I’m sitting in Mexico writing this article, all ten of the top trending pieces of content on Buzzfeed are viral quizzes.

Buzzfeed Quizzes

Obviously, quizzes are extremely effective for Buzzfeed in terms of generating engagement and visitors.

Now as we open up a quiz on Buzzfeed, this is what we see:

Fun Buzzfeed Quiz Example

Before we even start, we’re served two advertisements. As we start to scroll, a new ad is shown every two questions.

Fun Buzzfeed Quiz Example

By the end of the quiz, we’ve been served thirteen total ads in a single quiz.

It doesn’t seem like the advertisements Buzzfeed served me on this quiz are relevant to the quiz but rather related to other browsing data Google has already collected on me.

This would mean that most likely, Buzzfeed’s primary goal with their quizzes is just to increase viewership for their ads.

2. Lead Generation

The second most common reason marketers use quizzes is to generate leads.

Now if you’ve been involved in digital marketing or have an email you may know that businesses trying to capture your email is nothing new.

For example, as I scrolled the homepage of Lululemon, this newsletter opt-in popped up at the bottom of their page:

Email Newsletter Optin

After you opt in to an email newsletter like this, companies send you product promotions and offers to encourage you to buy from them like the one below:

Email Marketing Example

But what makes quizzes different is that quizzes can increase lead capture by as much as 500% compared to a traditional newsletter or product discount opt-ins.

The reason quizzes are so effective at generating leads is because they are extremely engaging and they get visitors committed to seeing their personalized quiz results in exchange for their contact information.

Let me prove it to you!

Website Traffic

The first example I’ll share with you is how using one of the best quiz creators can help increase lead capture on a website.

Let’s start by looking at the website (website acquired and redirected to Legion Athletics).

Neil Patel, the previous owner of Nutrition Secrets, advertised his quiz on this website here in the navigation:

Neil Patel Marketing Quiz

When a visitor clicks on the Diet Quiz button, it takes them to the quiz shown below:

Neil Patel Marketing Quiz
The visitor answers questions one at a time:

Nutrition Quiz Example

Until they get to the lead capture page where they have to submit their contact information to get their results.

Nutrition Quiz Example

Finally, on the next page, they see their personalized result and possibly an offer to buy a product.

As you can see, this personalized process is much more engaging than just the newsletter opt in you saw on the Lululemon website to capture someone’s contact information. As a result, it increased the lead capture on by 500%.

To see the full case study of this example, just click the image below:

Neil Patel and Nutrition Secrets

Neil Patel LeadQuizzes

Additionally, here are some examples of other businesses using a quiz on their website to capture leads and increase sales. Click on the images for the full case study:

Annmarie Gianni Skincare

Skin care Quiz Example

Snow Teeth Whitening 

Snow Teeth Whitening Marketing

Facebook Quizzes Advertising

The next major way businesses increase their leads with quizzes is by advertising it on platforms like Facebook or Google.

For example, Integrative Healthcare advertised a thyroid quiz that would help visitors determine if they had a thyroid problem.

Doctor Marketing Quiz

They would click the ad and land on the quiz.

Health Quiz Example

They would answer questions about themselves.

Health Quiz

Then they would be asked to opt in in exchange for their personalized results:

Health Lead Generation

Finally, they would receive their results and an offer to sign up for an in-person consultation.

This marketing strategy led to Integrative Health capturing 1,600 leads a month for their local practice, which resulted in 40-60 in-person consultations and on the low end, $24,000 in new patient revenue from just $1,000 a month in Facebook advertising spend.

To view the full case study, click the image below:

Integrative Healthcare
Integrative Healthcare LeadQuizzes

Here are some additional examples of other businesses using a quiz with Facebook ads to capture leads:

Goth Rider

Goth Rider Facebook Quiz

Hail Financial

Hail Financial Quiz Marketing

Now that we’ve covered some of the more straightforward reasons marketers use quizzes, let’s explore some of the other ways in which businesses are using quizzes on Facebook.

3. Market Research

Another great reason businesses use Facebook quizzes is to do market research and learn about their audience. Quizzes are a great way to collect this data in an unobtrusive way and without feeling like you’re taking a survey.

Market research is important for some of the following reasons:

  1. Learn about the demographics of your customer to improve targeting for things like Facebook advertisements.
  2. Learn about your existing customers so you can improve your product.
  3. Adjust strategy regarding pricing, distribution channels, etc.
  4. Identify new business opportunities

Let me share a real-life example.

Kathy Smith has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for more than 30 years. With a collection of best-selling books, videos, audios and DVDs on walking, strength training, yoga, Pilates, dance, aerobics and nutrition, Smith has sold over $500 million in lifestyle products and fitness equipment.

Kathy Smith

When she got started out, one of the best ways for her to collect feedback on whether people liked her products was to receive letters in the mail from her customers. It was a really slow process.

Well, Kathy decided to advertise a quiz on Facebook called “What Could Be Stealing Your Energy”.

She got immediate feedback and found out if people were more interested in help with their sleep, stress reduction, nutrition, etc. which helped her fine-tune not just her marketing but also her product development.

To view the whole Kathy Smith case study, click the image below:

Kathy Smith

Kathy Smith Market Research

4. Qualify Visitors and Leads

The next area businesses use quizzes is to qualify visitors and leads.

While some businesses capture leads with their quizzes, not every lead should be sold to. When that’s the case, businesses need to qualify their visitors and leads so they don’t waste expensive resources doing that manually.

Website Traffic

A great example of a major company doing this is LendingTree. In 2018 LendingTree generated $765M in revenue.

If you look at their homepage below, their whole strategy to capture leads and qualify their visitors is built around a series of quizzes.

Lending Tree Quiz

Let’s take a look at their Debt Relief quiz. On the first question, they start segmenting their visitors by figuring out if you want to reduce your debt or if you need cash:

Lending Tree Quiz

Next, they determine your employment status:

Lending Tree Quiz

Your pre-tax income:

Lending Tree Quiz

And so on until they’ve built up a complete profile of who you are and what your needs are so they can determine if they can help you.

Once they capture information to follow up with you like your name, email, phone number, and address, they let you know what they think the best solution is and behind the scenes, determine the method they will use to follow up with you if you are a qualified lead.

Facebook Quizzes Advertising
Next, let’s go through an example of lead qualification using quizzes on Facebook.

In California, Imperial Valley Home Finder set up a real estate quiz to try and find qualified new home buyers. They advertised it on Facebook using this carousel ad below:

Real Estate Facebook Quiz

That ad led to this quiz:

Real Estate Lead Generation

Which led to a series of qualifying questions like annual income, savings, debt, credit score, etc. which would be used to qualify the leads:

Real Estate Lead Generation

Finally, before getting their results about qualification for the $0 down home loan, they were asked for their contact information:

Real Estate Lead Generation

In this example, Imperial Valley Home Finder took that lead information and sent it to Google Sheets, where they were able to sort and follow up with the most qualified potential buyers.

As you can see here, they have a list of all the answers tied to the lead’s personal contact information (blurred for privacy):

Real Estate Lead Generation

To watch the complete Imperial Valley Home Finder case study, click the image below:

Imperial Valley Home Finder

Real Estate Lead Generation Quiz

If you’re taking a quiz on Facebook or somewhere else, make sure you understand that all the information you are providing can be tied to your contact information and used to market or sell to you.

5. Personalized Marketing

The final major way businesses use quizzes is to personalize their marketing. I’m going to break personalization down into three sections.

Personalized Recommendations

Based on the answers you provide in a quiz, you may get personalized recommendations.

For example, Dr Tami is a hormone doctor who advertised this hormone quiz on Facebook:

Dr Tami Hormone Facebook Quiz

At the end of the quiz, after visitors gave their contact information, they were provided personalized recommendations on how to improve their hormones. Being their quiz said they had some hormone deficiencies, Dr Tami was able to make a personalized sales offer to get their blood work done and a free consultation that would lead to them becoming a patient:

Dr Tami Hormone Facebook Quiz

In this example, personalization happened during the quiz process with an immediate recommendation and sales offer. In our next example, we’ll talk about how your quiz answers can lead to personalized follow-up.

To view the complete Dr Tami case study, click the image below:

Dr Tami

Dr Tami Facebook Quiz Hormone

Personalized Email Marketing

In sales, there’s a saying that the money is in the follow-up. The far majority of sales don’t happen right away so many businesses turn to email marketing to create relationships with their leads and ultimately turn them into customers.

For example, let’s look at a business called Fit Father Project that did this with their Facebook quiz.

They advertised a Facebook quiz to help fathers pinpoint the #1 health challenge holding them back from their fitness goals.

Weightloss Quiz

At the end of the quiz, Fit Father Project told the quiz takers that their #1 health challenge was time, nutrition, improper exercise, etc. based on their answers.

Now after the quiz, Fit Father Project sent an email follow-up specifically based on the result the quiz taker got.

For instance, the problem I got was lack of time so Fit Father Project sent me emails specifically about how to make a fitness routine work around my concern of not having enough time:

Fit Father Project Email Marketing Example

To view the complete Fit Father Project case study, click the image below:

Fit Father Project

Fit Father Project Facebook Quiz Marketing

Personalized Advertisement

The last way in which businesses can take the data they get from you in their quiz and personalize their marketing is through their advertisement.

So for example, if you took a real estate quiz and answered a question saying that you were looking for a home worth between $200,000 – $250,000, even without providing your contact information, marketers can create a custom audience targeting you based on that specific answer or combination of additional answers.

This is valuable because now they are narrowing their advertisement down to the most qualified leads and not wasting money elsewhere.

While Facebook will now allow the marketer to target their ads towards you, from a privacy perspective, if you didn’t provide your contact information you will remain anonymous and the marketer will not receive any personally identifiable information about you.

This is not much different than if you search Google for shoes and then start seeing shoe ads everywhere, but it is something you should be aware of when taking Facebook quizzes.

Click here if you would like to learn more about how marketers can advertise to you based on the questions you answer in a quiz.


At this point, you’ve learned all about how businesses are using Facebook quizzes to capture data and increase conversions. But if you’re a business looking to grow and want to use quizzes as part of your strategy, where do you start?

LeadQuizzes is a Facebook quiz application that allows you to create a quiz by starting with a pre-defined quiz template or from scratch. Whatever you choose, our software allows you to create your entire quiz with a point-and-click editor without needing help from developers.

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Get Our Quiz Maker Guide + 44 Quiz Templates Free!

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